Happy massage Las Vegas – Las Vegas Massage
What does Happy Massage mean?
A happy massage is a massage that ends with some sort of body stimulation, hence the “happy.” Stimulation of the body part are most common for happy massage.
A happy massage in Las Vegas may occur between couples.
Couples can give each other happy massages by setting the mood and starting with traditional massage techniques. The giving partners can then work their way slowly toward their partners’ body to gently bring them to release their stress.
Happy massage Las Vegas – Las Vegas Massage
What does Happy Massage mean?
A happy massage is a massage that ends with some sort of body stimulation, hence the “happy.” Manual stimulation of the body part are most common for happy massage.
A happy massage in Las Vegas may occur between couples.
Couples can give each other happy massages by setting the mood and starting with traditional massage techniques. The giving partners can then work their way slowly toward their partners’ body to gently bring them to release their stress.
At first, the massage was utterly innocent. He was friendly but professional; not chatty or personal. He completely avoided my chest and bum (not true of all masseurs, I can assure you), and rubbed my body without any… lingering.
By the end, I was lying on my back while he massaged my legs and thighs, which is perfectly normal, by the way. But, as I’ve always found massage a sensual experience, I can’t pretend my body wasn’t responding.
When his hands stilled on my inner thighs, I thought it was part of the massage. It didn’t seem strange at all. He then began to apply pressure to my inner thighs, moving closer and closer inwards, until he brushed my bikini bottoms. It was like a jolt of static, and I knew something else was afoot.
He moved my bikini to one side, spreading my legs apart with one hand
I couldn’t believe that my ultimate sexual fantasy was being played out. I’ve never been so turned on in my life, but I assumed he’d stop there. And he did, until I (almost unconsciously) began to shift my hips and tense upwards. He moved my bikini to one side, spreading my legs apart with one hand. I was enthralled, and had no intention of stopping him. It was an almost out-of-body experience.
Briefly, I began to grow nervous about someone walking in (we were in a tent, after all). But as he stroked my clit in sensuous, circular movements, I decided I didn’t care. Once he’d slowly and deliberately slid his fingers inside me, I couldn’t even think about anything else at all. I’ve never come so quickly, quietly or effortlessly in my life. Which was lucky, as it turned out, because another massage therapist walked in right afterwards. Then it was all business.
He used the towel to wipe oil from my body efficiently, while I lay blushing and giggling with my eyes closed. He turned, allowing me to dress, as if it had just been an ordinary massage. I didn’t make any eye contact at all as I settled the bill, and gave him a huge tip which is expected in Cuba. He asked my name, and told me to come again the next day. I smiled, knowing I wouldn’t.

At first, I was relieved she hadn’t walked in a few seconds earlier. That was until it dawned on me she probably knew exactly what was going on, and likely peeked through the tent to see when I was done. The thought made me feel sick with embarrassment. Then the doubts began to creep in. Had I exploited him?
There are a lot of male sex workers in Cuba, so I had to wonder if he was one. He certainly didn’t risk his job and livelihood because he was overwhelmed by passion for me. Slowly, I grew uncomfortable with how expert he was. This was a practiced move, clearly something he did often, and did well. But he didn’t do it because he wanted me. Did he think he had to perform this for monetary purposes? Whether by experience or coercion, did he think it was his job to offer?
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